The Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
We're home from our second trip! One more big load to go and we will get to settle into our new home in Medford Oregon. It's certainly been an adventure traveling together pulling the two trailers all day through the winter weather.
You know the saying, " I'm finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel." Well, I'm sure most are seeing daylight, but I'm just cynical enough to be wondering if it's really an oncoming train.

Superman took this photo on our way home after the first load in mild weather. Since then we've experienced several inches of snow and severe weather in North Central Oregon that have made us change our plans several times.
In truth it's probably encouraged us to hurry up because we always end up leaving a day ahead of schedule in order to scoot through before the next storm hits.
The last run we made gave us a clear drive all the way to our new home just before it snowed there too! We had a lovely light snow that melted the next day. Lovely, non-life threatening snow.

This is a pretty shot of our new mini-orchard. Two cherry trees and two different apples. In the back yard we also have a Peach tree and a blueberry bush!

In the back yard we have a detached building that I'm especially excited about. This will be my new office space and art glass studio!
Yep, the actual Glass Pantry! I should probably make a sign to hang out front. Don't you think?

At the moment it's being used as on site storage as we move.
It started out pretty chaotic but eventually many things found their way to more appropriate locations and I was able to move about the building more freely.

See, I exposed a lot more of the floor which is good because we haven't even brought in the real furniture yet. That will come next trip.

You can see my work table and storage but nothing is in it's permanent place yet. I'm still dreaming up the space, but it's in there and that's the important part.

The Pups got to come with us too this time! Man were they excited. It's getting more and more weird up North with all of the furniture disappearing. They were so surprised to find it all down here after several hours in the car.

Skip and Jolie near the snow covered peach tree in our back yard.

I was so excited to cook something in our new house! Eating out can be nice but we really miss our home cooked meals. This trip we got to try out the Green Mountain Grill that came with the house. It's awesome but I'll have to go into more about that another time.

A beautiful handmade card from our Aunt Donna Harrison.
As we planned our departure from Medford, another storm moved over the entire state with emphasis on the North so we scooted through just after they reopened Interstate 84 and before the snow began.

Today I'm continuing to pack, clean, patch and paint the walls. I'm removing all of our pictures and artwork to get ready for the next trip.
It also appears we may be leaving a little earlier than we anticipated due to more snow on the way. Sure would be nice to stay on schedule but Mother Nature seems to have other plans for us.
Life's a Journey!